Wilbur Pearce House 1950


The solar hemicycle is a later variant of Wright’s Usonian concept, a shallow home in depth, whose southern face is inwardly curved to take maximum advantage of the sun’s heating and lighting effects. The Pearce house is California’s only Wright solar hemicycle, and an outstanding example of his cinder block homes. For the remainder of 2021, the home will be undergoing major FLWRI assisted restoration work. but Konrad Pearce, owner and grandson of original client Wilbur Pearce, has agreed to allow tours during this restoration period.


Konrad Pearce will personally conduct tours, and brief visitors as to specific restoration progress. 100% of tour proceeds will be used to fund the restoration. Prices are determined by the owner and subject to change. Please send an email to donate@flwrevivalinitiative.org to ensure the owner is available for the date you are requesting

Prices are determined by the owner and subject to change. Please send an email to donate@flwrevivalinitiative.org to ensure the owner is available for the date you are requesting